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Maris Model Software Modules

Wave Propagation & Trasformation

The prediction of wave propagation and transformation in the nearshore is of paramount importance to design efficient coastal protection works and optimize the design of port layouts

MARIS PMS Parabolic Mild Slope

Numerical model simulating wave propagation in open coastal areas

Maris PMS simulates irregular wave propagation, refraction, diffraction, and wave energy dissipation due to depth-induced breaking and bottom friction. It can be implemented for coastal impact studies

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MARIS HMS Hyperbolic Mild Slope

Numerical model simulating wave propagation

Maris HMS is an advanced model capable of simulating multidirectional irregular wave propagation, refraction, reflection, diffraction, depth-induced breaking and bottom friction. It can be implemented for wave disturbance studies in ports, harbours and coastal areas as well as coastal impact studies to assess the effect of wave reflection & diffraction on the adjacent shores

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Coastal Hydrodynamic Fields

Nearshore coastal hydrodynamic fields are generated by various forcing parameters (e.g. tide, wind, waves) and are vital for nearshore circulation and water renewal and the main cause for the transport of sediments in the shallow water

MARIS HYD Hydrodynamic model

Numerical model simulating coastal hydrodynamic fields

Maris HYD simulates water circulation in coastal areas in response to a variety of forcing functions. It can be implemented to calculate spatial and temporal development of wind and wave generated currents. It can be implemented for coastal impact & water renewal studies

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Sediment transport & Sea Bed level change

The prediction of sediment transport & Sea Bed Level Change due to the combined effect of waves and currents is vital for identifying and mitigating potential erosion areas in coastal domains

MARIS SDT Sediment Transport

Numerical model simulating bed evolution

Maris SDT model calculates sediment transport rates by taking into account current and wave action. It can be used to estimate rates of bed level changes, determining erosion and accretion areas. It can be implemented for coastal impact studies

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117 Agias Paraskevis Street 15234, Chalandri, Attica, Greece

+30 210 6848217 [email protected]


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