We carry out custom scientific numerical modelling studies
Take advantage of the Scientia Maris’ software result without a subscription and have a numerical modelling study in the following areas tailor made to your needs
Professional Services
The Scientia Maris team can carry out numerical studies from start to finish
Take full advantage of the Scientia Maris software benefits and obtain reliable & accurate results through our consulting services
Coastal Impact Studies
By taking advantage of our software, we can provide:
Nearshore wave heights, currents and sediment transport in the entire study area
Identify areas of erosion and flooding
Identify impacts on adjacent coasts to be incorporated in the Environmental Impact Study
Determination of the optimum alternative

Wave Disturbance Studies
By taking advantage of our software, we can provide:
Nearshore wave heights in the entire study area
Annual berth downtime
Extreme Wave heights for designing port & floating structures
Determination of the optimum alternative from the viewpoint of wave disturbance/surface tranquility

Metocean Studies
By taking advantage of Global Data Bases we can provide offshore data regarding:
Wind Climate (Mean Annual & Extreme)
Wave Climate (Mean Annual & Extreme)
Climate Change Projections Data
Storm Surge, Astronomical Tide &, Ocean Currents, Atm. Pressure, Temp., Salinity

Water Renewal Studies
By taking advantage of our software, we can provide:
Water circulation within the port basin
Identify renewal time
Determination of the optimum alternative

Let’s discuss your engineering needs
Our scientific team has the experience and deep knowledge for all kinds of relevant studies